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TG-A7000 Thermal Putty
- Silicone-type spacer with great long term reliability
- Lower thermal resistance than thermal pads
- Physical property between liquid and solid state
- Elimination of different heat source gap & heat sink
- Can be applied with dispenser
TG-A7000 is a thermal putty T-Global has developed for the mortar industry with 7.0 W/m·K ultra-high thermal conductivity. It optimizes the heat dissipation performance of the product also it has an ultra-low heat group. This thermally conductive mortar is paste-like paste stickers, product design does not need to take special consideration of product size and tolerance restrictions, and can be flexibly designed according to the optimal effect of the design.
Thermally conductive gels are widely used in LEDs, microprocessors, memory modules, cache memories, sealed integrated chips, DC/DC converters, IGBTs and other power modules, power semiconductors, solid-state relays, and bridge rectifiers.
Electronic components - 5G, Aerospace, AI, AIoT, AR/VR/MR/XR, Automotive, Consumer Devices, Datacom, Electric Vehicle, Electronic Products, Energy Storage, Industrial, Lighting Equipment, Medical, Military, Netcom, Panel, Power Electronics, Robot, Servers, Smart Home, Telecom, etc.
Operation Manual

Push the latch and insert the stick.

Put the tube in and twist.

Close the cover.

Take off the plug.