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The Magic Material: Graphite Sheets and the Rise of Graphene
The Magic Material: Graphite Sheets and the Rise of Graphene
In 2004, two pioneering physicists at the University of Manchester made a groundbreaking discovery by isolating graphene from graphite. This achievement introduced the world to the thinnest and strongest nano-material ever known, boasting exceptional electrical and thermal conductivity. Graphene quickly gained recognition as a revolutionary material, sparking widespread interest across various industries.
By 2012, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) projected that graphene could usher in a new "carbon age," with the potential to replace silicon-based materials in the future. This positioned graphene as a key contender for transforming the materials industry.
Fast forward to the 2018 China International Graphene Innovation Conference, where over 200 promising graphene applications from around the globe were showcased. Among these innovations, Huawei unveiled the Mate 20 X, the world's first phablet cooled by graphene, while Samsung hinted at using graphene batteries in the Galaxy Note 10, which could fully charge in just 12 minutes. According to a report by consultancy ReportsnReports, the global graphene market was valued at nearly US$200 million in 2018, with an annual growth rate of 84.8%. By 2023, the market size is expected to surpass US$1 billion.
The Foresight Industry Research Institute predicted that by 2020, graphene would dominate approximately 50% of new energy applications, particularly in lithium batteries. The 2017 Global Graphene Index highlighted that China, the United States, and South Korea were leading in graphene development, with China holding the top position in overall strength. However, the gap between China and the US is narrowing, signaling intense competition in this rapidly advancing field.

Professor Wei-Keng Lin
Education|Ph.D., University of Maryland
Occupation|Professor, National Tsing Hua University
Specialty|Electronic package heat dissipation, Heat pipe, Loop heat pipes(CPL,LHP,PHP), Energy-saving design, Solar heat storage and cooling, Heat flow system, Cooling of electronic components, Two-phase flow, Heat transfer elements of artificial satellite and high-altitude flying object