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Thermal Simulation and Safety Design of Electric Vehicle Battery Modules
In electric vehicle applications, ensuring the safety of batteries and battery modules is the most important thing to protect the lives and property of vehicle occupants. The design and manufacturing of these battery modules primarily address the heat management issues of the battery pack, keeping safety in mind.

TSMC and ITRI are optimistic about liquid cooling! Taiwan Intel's first Open IP immersion solution
Intel (Intel) announced two new investment projects on the 19th, including the establishment of a giant laboratory covering an area of 200,000 square feet and the first Open IP immersion liquid cooling solution and reference design, which are expected to spend more than 700 million US dollars.

TG-A series product announcement
The continued advancement of the technology industry has seen a sharp rise in market demands for improved thermal management solutions which often means that thermal interface materials are upgraded as new products and technologies are developed and brought to market.